an old friend

an old friend

I heard from an old friend yesterday. Our timing for checking in is uncanny.

We worked together in the late 1990s at Duke and have managed to keep in touch over the years. I first reached out when he was going through a really bad divorce. We would hang out after work, and I would listen to his struggles. I also would hang out with his super cool kiddos when he needed an extra set of hands. His kiddos were pretty amazing. When my wedding in 2002 was destined to not happen because of family issues, he would listen to my struggles. A few years later, I took my two toddlers to meet him and his kiddos. Next, I met his second wife. She was a gem. We even saw the Sex and the City movie together.

Fast forward some more years, and I talked about my first book publication at his private practice Lunch and Learn. Soon after that reconnection, he relocated back to the North with his wife and new kiddo.

I always kept him on my birthday and holiday card list, but I decided to check in with him last spring. Again, uncanny. His wife had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. We talked through it all, as well as one of his older kiddos becoming a young mother. Then the move, life for both of us. Until yesterday. He called to check in. The day after my birthday. I am convinced that some friendships do stand the test of time and those check ins are super important. My takeaway – check in with friends, especially ones who are not on social media. Those friendships are important too.

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