Skate World Memories

Skate World Memories

My social media feed blew up yesterday with pictures of my beloved childhood hangout on fire. The owners are committed to rebuilding, so future generations of K-Ville folks will still be able to have the amazing memories I had from my times at Skate World. Here are some of the best ones:

Friday night couples skate. My middle school dream was to couple skate with Kirby Keene. Unfortunately, the feeling was not reciprocated. That did not deter my low self-esteem adolescent self. Every Friday night I thought would be *the night* it would happen. I am super grateful my girl is in no way like the adolescent version of me. And that is definitely a positive.

Limbo. Because of gymnastics and dance, I was a pro at the game of limbo. Probably also one of the reasons I need chiropractic care as a middle age lady! I could get LOW and was almost always a winner.

Classic video games. Before my mom died she took me and my kiddos to Skate World for a day. It literally looked the exact same as it did in the 1980s. Even the video games. My son was impressed with their authenticity. The game room was always super dark, not sure why, but I can remember Aidan running out of quarters and this kid literally came out of the darkness and showed him how to rig the game to play without quarters. I am sure this kid spent his entire summer at Skate World, which would mean a lot of quarters!

Speed skates. My family did not have money when I was growing up, so it was a big deal that I had speed skates, black with white lines on the side, glittery wheels, and tassels on top.

Suicides. After not getting asked to couple skate by even the nerdiest boy, I would go to the soda fountain and make myself a Suicide. I think it was a combo of Coke, Cheerwine, and Dr Pepper. Hello, lots of sugar!!

Thanks for the memories Skate World!

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